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About the Artist

Hi! So happy you stopped by today to check out this post. I appreciate your interest in my art. I really do. I love the idea of building a community and making friends on the internet (my husband and I met on the internet, by the way). Humans are made for community, and in an online world it’s easy to feel distant from others.

Since you stopped by, I thought it would be fun to tell you a bit about myself. I’d love to hear about you too and how you ended up visiting this part of the internet.

Travel and Heritage

I’m Anna Liisa (yes, two ‘i’s). I was named after my Finnish great-grandmother. One of the things that most influences me and my art is my Finnish heritage. I’m a half Finnish Texan dual citizen. I currently reside in San Antonio, Texas, but half of my heart always longs to be in Finland. I have a whole kitchen cabinet filled with Finnish goodies, so whenever I’m really missing Finland I’ll drown my sorrows in Finnish Fazer chocolate and liquorice.

Growing up, we would visit our family in Finland about once a year. Traveling has changed the way I see the world and I’d be a different person without it. Now, my husband and I TRY to travel once a year to a new place. Whenever we do, I’m inspired by all the new sights and sounds. And I always want to bottle up those sensations and bring them home.

I love being romanced by the history and culture of the places we visit and then bringing those experiences home and letting them inspire my art.

Meeting My Husband

My husband and I met in Hawaii while I was taking a summer course and he was working construction. I know we’re a match made in heaven. Everyday he leaves me in awe. He’s the most hardworking, honest, and courageous person I know. He’s everything I respect in a man. And not only that, but he’s tall and handsome and melts my heart.

Learning to Paint

I grew up painting, but never formally took any art training. I took elective art classes in high school and it was always my favorite time of day. My art teacher was the most encouraging. She’s a big reason I have confidence to do what I do today. It’s hard for me to show off or sell a piece of art that I don’t completely feel proud of, but I do love looking back at old art and seeing how I’ve improved.

Jesus & Art

My biggest inspiration in life is Jesus. He is the reason for everything good that has happened to me. I’ve always looked for ways to show others who He is and how much He loves them through my art. There are so many forms of praise and art is one of those. I don’t want to just worship Him on Sunday, but in every aspect of my life I want to walk with him and for him.

In a world where we are reading less and looking more to visual arts for learning, art is needed more and more. Art is a beautiful way to share the Gospel and show the love of Jesus. I want to be blessed to be a blessing.

Home Decor

Another love of mine is home decor and homemaking. Curating a space which feels like me and my family belong brings me so much joy. I could easily decorate and re-arrange a space for hours until it feels just right. Decorating for Christmas is obviously my favorite. Our home is filled mainly with second-hand pieces. My favorite type of design is Scandinavian - the minimal, natural luxury gets me every time. Someday I’d love to fill a home with photos from our travels, artwork, and natural elements.

So glad you stuck around to read these things about me. I hope you feel the love that fills every piece of my art and go feeling inspired.

I’d really love to get to know a few things about you too. If anything resonated with you, feel free to email me.